It was recently said to me to be honest with my clients and be true to myself, to be authentic. This has been something that I have always had issue with to be honest. I have always been very open with my feelings and my struggles and it has, in the past, resulted in me feeling very "exposed" and open to ridicule - which sadly, I often experienced. But despite that, it is truly who I am to share my thoughts, feelings, successes and failures so here I am. Open. Honest. Raw.
You see, I truly do care about people. I am a people person, which is what lead me to practice massage therapy as a healing art in the first place. But those who know me also know that I have had issues with being a talker and some clients don't like that. I like to share and chat and get to know my clients, but this often if frowned upon in the massage therapy profession. But the way that I have always felt about it was, if a person if taking off their clothes and spending upwards of an hour of their time with you it is only natural to speak to them on a more personal level. In particular if a client is dealing with pain issues, they already feel isolated and in many cases just want to come and feel free to relax and be something other than their injury.
But getting back to my original point....this person who spoke to me about being authentic was speaking in the context of business. My being true to myself, I truly believe that I will find success in business and in life, as will you.
Establish your priorities; what you value most in your life and then spend time doing THAT! Why waste hours of your day doing something that doesn't serve you at a core level. Now if it is your job, and you are thinking right now "well I hate my job, but I have to work", take a moment to sit back and look at what it is you do and how you can find something in that that speaks to you. You value your family, your children, you want to provide for them. You are good at what you do, you bring happiness to others, you help others in some way...when you begin focusing on the good, the other stuff just melts into the background.
It is all about perspective and what you choose to focus on!
So in my blog posts, although they are about health and wellness, fitness and nutrition, you will also often find posts about me and my life and my own struggles in these very areas. I am not perfect by any means, nor have I got it all figured out. I simply live my life and work each and everyday to help people learn how to help themselves and find balnce in their lives while being happy and healthy in the process.
Health and Happiness,
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