Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Who am I anyway?

Ok, time to get honest here. I want to share this with you all so you know just where I am coming from and why I am so passionate about health in general. I will try to give the reader's digest, condensed version.

Born and raised in Mt. Pearl, Newfoundland, with one older sister.
Never active, never played any sports - it was all music all the time.

Never was really big per se but couldn't run the length of myself. I was not in any way, shape or form an athlete, lol.

Always had an interest in natural health care after my other got sick when I was small. Her "sickness" was due to her very unhealthy lifestyle habits and as a result it had a HUGE impact on our family. I was particularly interested in nutrition (what can I say, I LOVE FOOD!)

When I didnt get accepted to university music school I went that fall anyway hoping to audition again the following year while getting some courses out of the way. One big problem about 2 weeks in...I HATED university!! I mean I despised it! I knew immediately that I was not going back in the winter. So what to do?

I found out that a private college in my town offers massage therapy! Great a course in natural health. I always held a firm belief that "stress will always manifest physically somehow" - a belief that I still hold today. So I completed my 2 year intense program and a short time after passing my board exams began practicing.

Problem arises....I have never LOVED practicing massage. I mean, I enjoy it sometimes, it is ok, but not my passion. Mainly becasue my work became about lawyers and insurance - not about the whole person, the holistic approach that I believed in. ...that balancing all aspects of the being so to speak.

In the meantime, I met now Hubby, started working out consistently weight training (which I had never done on a regular basis), got married, had 2 beautiful kids, moved like 6 times and here I am!

Back 2 years ago now, I competed in a figure competition. I loved the process and someday will probably do it again. In fact I had started this year thinking that I would do it again this fall but I fooled myself into thinking that I could so it and still remian balanced in my nutrtion and my mindset. I get way too obsessed too easily. So I am holding off now and working on regaining the balance that I had found.

You see, after I competed the first time I had some pretty crazy food issues. The day that I wouldnt eat an apple because it had too many carbs I knew I had a problem! And so began my struggle to regain my sense of self and self esteem. I royally screwed up my metabolism too in the process by the way.

So now I am coming clean.....
- I feel like a fraud! I am educated but am not the perfect living example of how it's done, but I am an example of a work in progress, finding what works for you and not giving up!

- I eat well most of the time but I am a sugar addict...that I fight with everyday! Fruit is nature's candy.

- I don't love working out but I love how it makes me feel AFTER! And I do it for my health.

- I am NOT an athlete in any way shape or form (that has not changed) and I am not in great shape - YET!

- I am terrible at pushups but I try so hard - I will do 50 someday before I die!

- It is my ultimate goal to someday do a pullup/chinup all by myself

- After years of wanting to complete my personal trainer certification I DID IT!!! With plans for more courses to come....and with that certification I want to bring my idea of how to balance exercise, health and fitness with real life, to you.

I believe in getting it done, so we can get on with our lives. But I also am passionate about the value of fitness and good nutrition and the impact that it can have in the long term on our health. Ultimately you HAVE to find something that you enjoy or you won't do it! It should still be fun, even if it has a serious purpose.
So now on to the Bootcamp classes that I am now offering! ..... I have compiled these workouts to get a great workout in under an hour, 3 times a week. A workout that anyone can do, anywhere, with no equipment but your own bodyweight. They will challenge you to push you out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself to do better each time. Only you will know. Only you can push you. But the group can help support you in your journey...just as you will support me in mine.
Mine is a journey to find my inner athlete, to push myself and to find balance.
Where is your journey taking you? What are your goals? What is your story?

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