Wednesday, April 27, 2011

On the mend...

This is what I looked like for the past week or more....

Well I can honestly say that I don't remember the last time that a cold or flu has kicked my butt like this one. I have not posted in a week nor have I tasted anything in an equal amount of fact, maybe longer!

The no sugar plan was going very well, but finally yesterday after a full week of not being able to taste anything I was desparate for some flavor. I had an iced cap from Tim's and some of my favorite Five Star cookies. Needless to say I didn't enjoy either as I had hoped and I was made painfully aware of just how crappy I feel when I consume too much sugar!

So the congesttion is finally starting to clear and I can get a hint of some taste from my beautiful breakfast of oat/cottage cheese/egg panckes and strawberries so I am back full force into my sugar free life! Won't you consider joining me?

And Mom, I can hear you now...."But I don't know what to eat?!?!" with a cry of frustration...just eat REAL food. Fruit, veggies, nuts, low fat dairy products (be wary of flavoured yogurt and its array of sweetners), meat, poultry... Just avoid the pre-packaged convenience foods and you will be just fine!

On the workout front things have been very quiet. Got a great walk in with the kids on monday but was wiped when we got back. I do find that my energy drains very quickly. Last night I bootcamped it with my sole participant and it felt great, but it was tough. This morning I did a 25 mins weights workout with DB presses and rows and some deadlifts, slightly higher reps and little rest between sets. It did feel awesome to get back at it but I am taking it easy. Hoping to get some bag work in this evening though.

Today will be the day to get groceries and prep some food and investigate some more recipes. I have been trying to organize all of the awesome, healthy recipes that I have to start experimenting more and adding more variety to the family's fare.

So all in all things are looking up. I had been on quite a roll with great consistency for the past month with both my nutrition and exercise but life got in the way for the past week and threw me for a loop. But that is life, it is what happens. We learn to deal with it and just move on, get back on track, re-focus on your goals and jump back in with both feet! Let's get going!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Me at a Career Development Luncheon? Do I have a career?

Oh boy does this picture say a 1000 words! I think that every Mom I know feels like this, whether she works outside the home or not, it is always a struggle to find balance. But I digress....

Yesterday I had the incredible opportunity to attend a function with the Career Development Class at the local high school. I guidance counsellor, who is one of my bootcampers, kindly asked me to come along to the luncheon which had a "speed dating" format where the students rotated every 2-3 minutes asking questions about your career. So when I show up my Minister friend asks which hat I am wearing in terms of my career. And honestly I didn't know how to answer. I am a mom first and foremost. I am a fitness professional, business owner and massage therapist. I guess ultimately business owner encompasses the others but I found it very funny that as each student came and went and asked their questions I always came back to being Mommy. (A little ironic since I had to bring Colton with me. As he say next to me and did a math workbook and drew pictures, it occurred to me that HE is my main job, no matter what else I do). All of my other "jobs" and aspects of my career revolve around my children and my husband. Ultimately it is my family who gives me the gift of having the best of both worlds.

The question I was asked the most often yesterday was what do I "like the best about my job" and for me the answer was easy - the flexibility. I create a schedule that works for my family and my life and I am blessed to have people as client who truly understand and support that. At this season of my life this is the way that it is and I wouldn't change a thing. Who knows, a few years down the road things may be different but for now this is just perfect for me and my family and I am proud to say that we have created this together.

The other question that I got asked a lot was about my role models. I initially thought about my fitness role models and those business women I know who successfully manage to balance family and work life. But when I think of my childhood I see the beautiful packed lunches, smell the cakes and apple flips and feel the warmth of returning to a house that was a home. Mom was always there when I got home from school. She was a stay at home mom, although not necessarily always by choice (I certainly remember all of the jobs that she applied for as we got a little older) but she was always there. She volunteered, when she could, at school, she chaperoned the skating trips and other field trips. It was embarrassing at the time, lol, but looking back it gave me an incredible sense of security that I don't think I ever really realized that I had. Now in her mid sixties, and much healthier in some respects, she is working! Doing respite work with developmentally delayed adults. Giving that part of herself that she once gave to us, and finally receiving the love and gratitude that she probably never felt that she received from us. But there is no doubt that my devotion to my children and my family as a unit is something that I learned and lived from a very early age. And I have my parents to thank for that. My Dad was away, working to support us and Mom was home to give us what the money couldn't buy. And I am honoured to follow in her footsteps. My name is Lesley and I am a stay at home mom!

I always say that my family comes first and foremost. They are my main priority. But does the time that I spend throughout my day reflect that? I am first to admit that it does not always reveal the truth of where my heart is. Maybe it is a matter of priorities, maybe it is a matter of obligations but I ask you to ask yourself, just as I ask myself, if your daily activities are a TRUE reflection of what means the most to you?

Health and Happiness,

Happy Hump Day! Wednesday, April 20, 2011

People, me include, often have trouble setting goals. We too often fear setting goals that are too far removed from our current state that the possibility of "failure" deters us from even trying! I recently had a bootcamper tell me that she doesn't set goals because that way she can't fail. I was really put back by this statement but the truth is when I thought about it, we all do that don't we? I know I sure do!
Just something to think about....

I am very grateful for my health. Getting sick over the weekend and now battling a cold really makes you appreciate being strong and healthy and the fact that I have the ability to fight it and ultimately get srtonger!

So today is the third day of my sugar free journey. I think that getting sick over the weekend with that stomach bug (or whatever it was) and now being smothered with a head and chest cold had really been a gift to me in terms of getting my nutrition back on track too. My appetite has not been the best so I am being very consious of listening to my body and truly eating when I am hungry and feeding my body what it needs.
I feel much better though since going off the sugar already. Maybe a coincidence, but I doubt it. I usually respond well pretty early on when I start cutting the crap out. I am sure it will be reflected on the scale too eventually but that isn't a big concern so I haven't checked and don't really plan to. I just want to be strong and fit and healthy (but a little leaner is an added bonus for sure!)

Yesterday was a good day.
Golden pancakes
salad with chicken
lean burger with lettuce, tomato, light mozza on whole wheat bread
yogurt and strawberries (the only added sugar of the day)
1/2 c. of skim milk.

Tomorrow is Kenny's birthday, still undecided if I will have any of that cake or not....time will tell I guess, lol.

Yesterday I took it easy. I did a little with my class last night but not enough to call it a workout.
Today is back at my weights and hopefully maybe a hill walk on the treadmill after if the body is up to it. Paying attention and being in tune with my body is key!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday April 18, 2011 - The Journey to Being Sugar Free Begins

Courage...feel the fear and do it anyway right? Well today I begin my journey to once and for all end my addiction to sugar. I have done it in the past, all but eliminate it from my diet, but not permanantly. It finds its way back in there...sneaky little bugger! The white poison is everywhere!
I find myself justifying my actions with "you only live once", "you can't avoid it", "you'll be miserable", "what will you eat" etc, etc, etc, but the truth is I KNOW that I feel so much better without it! I have more energy, I sleep better, I eat better all around, and I even enjoy my food more. When your food is not laced with artificial flavors, colours and other chemicals you can actually taste the food itself and what a joy food truly can be!
'The stuff that we eat, isn't really food! So I am facing this nemesis of mine one day at a time, one meal at a time, one snack at a time! I know that I will not do it perfectly but if each day can be better than the last then I will be successful.

This weekend was a forced relaxtion for me. My tummy prepared me for my sugar detox whether I wanted it to or not. At one point I though that it was the stomach flu but now I wonder if it was the beautiful yet oily salmon that I ate on friday for supper. I LOVE salmon, it is my far my favorite fish but it didn't sit well. The fact that I then went to a birthday party and ate a cookie and a small chicken finger didn't help matters. By the time 3:30 am came around I was in racks of pain and by 7am was prepared to go to the hospital.  But the body is brilliant and it took care of eliminating the problem. Once I got it out of my system I was feeling much better, all be it very tired from  not having much else to eat. Yesterday was an easy day as well, toast, fruit and then by supper we had our usual sunday pizza, which sat a little heavy but didn't bother me.

So that brings us to far food has been simple (but than again it is only 9:30). Banana at 6am then my mornings oats with some apple, dried fruit, almonds and a little stevia. Will be keeping things pretty plain again today, maybe some chicken and rice but no added sugars! Beans, rice, chicken, veggies and fruit for the day and lots and lots of water!

Missesd my saturday workout and still not 100% sure on today since my energy is still a little low but by this afternoon I am sure that I will be back on track. Today is scheduled to be a lifting day and I am back in my groove so missing today won't be well received.....will update tomorrow on how it went! :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

April 15th ~ Today and Yesterday

Hard to believe that it is Friday again! Holy Cow where does the week go!?!?

I did not blog yesterday as it was a busy day and also an off day from working out.

Yesterday's Nutrition
muffin cup quiche, 1/2 c. oats
banana and PB
shake with PB
rice, beans and chili pork (twice)
(Not a very exciting day but it was all tasty and satisfying, lol)

Yesterday I was very grateful to be working and have Kenny home with the kids ~ same goes for today. I always struggle a little with fitting in clients due to scheduling with the kids so it is nice to get a day or two to work it in when I can. I love that my clients are so wonderful and understanding. It can be difficult with no family around to call on sometimes.

Now, as for today.... HAPPY FRIDAY!

I am thinking that I will update my food after rather than in the mornings - so tonight or tomorrow I will post today's food...trying something new this week....we'll see how it goes

Today's workout
incline DB press ~ cable row (underhanded)
standing DB shoulder press ~ DB row
20 mins incline walk

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What's Your Reason?

What is your goal?
What do you want?
What drives you?
What motivates you?
What is your reason?

So often people begin this type of journey because of a weight issue. It is a motivating factor for most people. But truth be known, wanting to be a certain size or number on the scale will NOT get you out of bed at 5:30am or get you off of Facebook to go for a walk. Don't get me wrong, it works in the beginning. It gets you started and it is great when it is all fresh and exciting and fun. But after about 3 weeks the novelty quickly wears off and the warm bed and cuddly spouse or the vacation pics from your old high school frenemies are far more appealing.

I have blogged about this before but it bears repeating. Goalsetting is the KEY to success. How can you get somewhere when you have no idea of your destination or when you need to get there? It sounds simple but it is true and it is something that I too continue to struggle with.

We do not want to get too excited and set ourselves up for failure by setting lofty goals that are unrealistic for us. But we can't be too soft and not challenge ourselves either! There is a fine line. It is best to set a bigger, long term goal then you will make the smaller goals along the way seem so much more attainable but they will keep you on track for your ultimate prize!

But truly it comes down to deciding exactly what you want and why. Like I said, a certain weight or size or even a trip or a wedding won't be enough to drive you to push yourself past your comfort zone.

Personally this all came to me again as I carried 5 jugs of water downstairs to be put away. It just hit me that it is pretty cool that I can grab those 19L jugs and carry them around without any pain or difficulty or having to depend on anyone else. I am incredibly grateful for that, but I am also aware that I work hard to maintain the healthy, strong body that I was blessed with. I can pick up my 30+ and 40+ lbs kids mid-tantrum and carry them away. I can get up on my own two feet early in the morning to go for a walk/run. I have the ability and I choose to view it as both an obligation and a pleasure to nurture and grow in both my body and my spirit.

Knowing that I can feel good in my clothes is a nice added bonus but it is not what drives me. For me it is about being healthy, active, fit, being a role model for my children, taking care of my husband's wife and my children's mother and honoring God by honoring my body, mind and soul.

Now I ask....what drives you?

Wonderful Wednesday, April 13th

My 6 year old daughter asked me if I pray like she does when I go to bed? Of course I told her I do but I also shared with her the other times throughout the day when I pray. And "when I think of it" is my best answer. Sometimes it is in the shower (most times), sometimes when doing dishes, cooking supper or folding laundry. But definitey the most common is when I look at my children. When they play, when they sleep, when they eat and yes, even when they are arguing or fighting. Some prayers are of gratitude, many are for peace and patience and many are offered up in pure desparation and fear!
Hey, I am a parent. The most difficult and humbling job there is!

Oh the days are getting longer! Spring is here! When I woke this morning at 5:45 the sky was so much brighter than it has been in the mornings. The evenings are noticably longer as well.

muffin cup quiche, grapefruit, small homemade granola bar
shake with milk
sandwich instead of the leftover orginally planned - just felt like it
yogurt, nuts
hockey day tacos (Colton's fave!!!)

split squat ~ deadlift
reverse lunge ~ elevated pushup
bicycle ~ ball jackknife