Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday, April 8th, 2011

I love this passage from scripture! It is one of my favourites and although I do not profess to know many by heart that is certainly one that has had a profound affect on the way that I view my life. As a stay at home mom it is so easy to fall into the rut and routine and lose sight of why you do what you do. It is easy to forget and lose focus on the INTENTION behind the seemingly insignificant duties that we go through each and every day. But ultimately if you do what you do out of love for God and in appreciation for the blessings that you have been given then all is right in your world. Take the focus off of yourself and go about your daily activities, duties and obligations with love, gratitude and a desire to please God and spread His love to others and to make others feel loved and appreciated - if you do that, then at the end of the day you can call it a success in my humble opinion.

For me this translates into my family, and home as well as my work. In terms of my business it is my desire to use my health, fitness and wellness to so appreciation and gratitude for the beautiful, able body that I was blessed with. Being open about my own issues with scheduling, family, nutrition, workouts etc is my attempt to hopefully help you! And I can only pray that my intentions are recognized for what they are - although I am sure people will always question.

Today I am so grateful to wake up to another glorious sunshiney morning! (I know, it isn't a real word). Isn't it just incredible how seeing that sun beaming in  through the window creates a warmth that goes beyond words! And yes some people might scoff and say "all it does is highlight all of the dust on your furniture" but I choose to feel the warmth and enjoy the dusting that is to come :)

Banana (6am)
Protein (golden) pancakes (8am)
yogurt, pecans
santa fe chicken salad
broccoli quiche, grapefruit
supper is unplanned and undecided at this point.....thinking baked cod though.....

Workout (total 35 mins)
Underhand seated cable row supersetted with Incline DB press
DB row supersetted with Standing DB shoulder press

Followed with a Kettlebell Metabolic Workout (15 mins)
KB Deadlifts
KB high pulls
KB Romanian Deadlifts
KB swings

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