Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday, April 13th

My 6 year old daughter asked me if I pray like she does when I go to bed? Of course I told her I do but I also shared with her the other times throughout the day when I pray. And "when I think of it" is my best answer. Sometimes it is in the shower (most times), sometimes when doing dishes, cooking supper or folding laundry. But definitey the most common is when I look at my children. When they play, when they sleep, when they eat and yes, even when they are arguing or fighting. Some prayers are of gratitude, many are for peace and patience and many are offered up in pure desparation and fear!
Hey, I am a parent. The most difficult and humbling job there is!

Oh the days are getting longer! Spring is here! When I woke this morning at 5:45 the sky was so much brighter than it has been in the mornings. The evenings are noticably longer as well.

muffin cup quiche, grapefruit, small homemade granola bar
shake with milk
sandwich instead of the leftover orginally planned - just felt like it
yogurt, nuts
hockey day tacos (Colton's fave!!!)

split squat ~ deadlift
reverse lunge ~ elevated pushup
bicycle ~ ball jackknife

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