Thursday, April 7, 2011

Daily checkin - April 7th, 2011

Thought for today
I LOVE this one! It really resounded with me because over the past few years I have really worked to create the life that I desire. Do not be a victim of your circumstances, only YOU have the power to change YOUR life!

Today I am especially grateful for my two healthy children. They sometimes annoy the poop out of me - like when they come into bed at 6:40 am ready to rip and roar for the day - but in the end, they are healthy and have the ability to drive me nuts, for that I can not even express how grateful that I am!

Nutrition (todays planned and not so planned meals...)
Golden Pancakes (recipe from Eating for Life by Bill Phillips)
yogurt and crushed pecans
tuna quesadilla and angel food cake with some cool whip (that was the unplanned part)
apple, cheese
grapefuit, muffin cup quiche
chicken breast, salad, baked potato

Today was supposed to be a day off but it was so beautiful to see the sunshine that I decided to go for a short intervals workout and soak up some vitamin D. It was great to take advantage of hubby working later today!

5 minute warm up
30 : 90 intervals X 6 rounds
5 minute cool down

It felt so awesome to get outside but in all honesty I am just not a runner. I did start to enjoy it a bit there a couple of years back but a hip problem resulted in me going back to walking. Doing the body weight cardio intervals is definitely my preferred method of metabolic training these days and of course my punching bag - that beats all other (pardon the pun).

So those are my thoughts and plans for today. I will be back tomorrow with an  update and hopefully daily, at least until camping starts then I can't make any promises!

Wishing you balanced living!

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