Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday April 18, 2011 - The Journey to Being Sugar Free Begins

Courage...feel the fear and do it anyway right? Well today I begin my journey to once and for all end my addiction to sugar. I have done it in the past, all but eliminate it from my diet, but not permanantly. It finds its way back in there...sneaky little bugger! The white poison is everywhere!
I find myself justifying my actions with "you only live once", "you can't avoid it", "you'll be miserable", "what will you eat" etc, etc, etc, but the truth is I KNOW that I feel so much better without it! I have more energy, I sleep better, I eat better all around, and I even enjoy my food more. When your food is not laced with artificial flavors, colours and other chemicals you can actually taste the food itself and what a joy food truly can be!
'The stuff that we eat, isn't really food! So I am facing this nemesis of mine one day at a time, one meal at a time, one snack at a time! I know that I will not do it perfectly but if each day can be better than the last then I will be successful.

This weekend was a forced relaxtion for me. My tummy prepared me for my sugar detox whether I wanted it to or not. At one point I though that it was the stomach flu but now I wonder if it was the beautiful yet oily salmon that I ate on friday for supper. I LOVE salmon, it is my far my favorite fish but it didn't sit well. The fact that I then went to a birthday party and ate a cookie and a small chicken finger didn't help matters. By the time 3:30 am came around I was in racks of pain and by 7am was prepared to go to the hospital.  But the body is brilliant and it took care of eliminating the problem. Once I got it out of my system I was feeling much better, all be it very tired from  not having much else to eat. Yesterday was an easy day as well, toast, fruit and then by supper we had our usual sunday pizza, which sat a little heavy but didn't bother me.

So that brings us to far food has been simple (but than again it is only 9:30). Banana at 6am then my mornings oats with some apple, dried fruit, almonds and a little stevia. Will be keeping things pretty plain again today, maybe some chicken and rice but no added sugars! Beans, rice, chicken, veggies and fruit for the day and lots and lots of water!

Missesd my saturday workout and still not 100% sure on today since my energy is still a little low but by this afternoon I am sure that I will be back on track. Today is scheduled to be a lifting day and I am back in my groove so missing today won't be well received.....will update tomorrow on how it went! :)

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